Tuesday, December 9, 2014

100% real

You know what's rare these days? Someone (preferably guys) who knows how to carry on a real conversation. Every now and then I will get these guys who want to meet me and we txt or chat but all they want is a hook up. Sorry I'm not like that. I want to get to know you and have a meaningful conversation about things. No I don't want to hook up with you, no I don't want to send nasty pictures to you nor do I want to talk dirty with you. I want to know what you like and don't like. I want to know what your goals are. What kind of music you like and what are your interests. I want to get to the point where we can cut up and chat about stupid random stuff but then be serious.  To me that's what a relationship is. Being connected and able to share your rants and how your day was. Its the guys that just want hook upa that later say I just can't find a good girl. Well I've only met and dated one guy out of the only 3 guys I've dated that knows how to carry on a real conversation. We just click and can talk about anything and everything!  That's what I want. Someone who is 100% real. Even my ex husband didn't carry on conversations. It was always about his rants and his day. Never how was your day. I know not everyone is ready to settle down and get married right away. I'm not either. I guess I just want things different this time when its my time to meet someone. I only dated my ex husband 5 months and then he proposed!  That was the biggest mistake. We never argued and he was shy and didn't talk. Maybe there are a few of you guys out there who wants what I want.

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