Monday, May 4, 2015

Do not disturb

I know I havnt written on this thing in a long time. I've just been thinking a lot here lately and I'm thinking about putting a "Do not disturb" sticker on my heart and mind. I'm so tired of getting crapped on. I do so much for ppl and I have a big heart and I think ppl some times expects so much out of me. I'm tired of being my self and meeting people and they talk to me and act like they like me and want to see me so bad and then up and stop talking to me. Why play games. If your so scared to begin with,  then don't try to even conversate with me and get to know me. Me get to know you. I dont play games. I have a big heart and I will do anything for anyone but at the same time I don't take crap from anyone. I'm honest and blunt. I will tell it like it is. I'm not going to be your go to girl. Your not gonna talk to me monday-friday and then disappear on the weekend. Why do guys think its ok tondo that. Its not just guys I know. Its girls to. Its someone's heart and mind your playing with. Dont say your gonna meet someone and talk to them and never hold true to your word. Your being a coward or your lying about something one. I just want to find someone who will like me for me. Who won't play games. Who is honest and won't lie and pretend to be someone their not. I'm just a real girl. Who deserves to be treated like you would want to be treated.

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