Monday, November 17, 2014

A big ball of different.

I hate getting into my funks! :( I love music so much but all my fave songs right now are sappy break up songs. Ugh. And I was doing so good. I get asked so what are you like. Well.... I'm different from most girls. I like good conversations. I am outgoing, blunt, talkative, love music, I work hard, but lazy at times. I'm loud, but emotional.  I cry, I love to laugh and make ppl laugh. I'm nice but too nice. But I like to be mean. I love sports, being outdoors, I'm a country girl and like to get dirty. But I like to clean up and be girlish. I am the most random person you will ever meet. I care and love too much. Its hard to let go of ppl and things. I'm crazy in a good way. I'm a good girl but I sin like everyone else. I'm not perfect. I'm very A.D.D. I'm wierd but its ok. It don't take a lot to make me happy. I'm needy at times and loves to take care of ppl. I love to read and take pictures. I smile or try to fake it. I have anxiety and have my moments but that's me in a nutshell. I'm a lot more but nobody wants to take the time to get to know me. Whats wrong with me i ask??? I dont tell me..I guess you can say...I'm a big ball of different. I'm me and that's all I can be....  I would write a book about myself and my life but I found something cool to do to put my thoughts,  quotes, pictures,  my life, my music into a magazine. I hope to start this really soon. I'm excited about doing it. Go check it out on pinterest or google and youtube. Its called "zine". Goodnight now. I feel better lol. Muah!!!! :)

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