Sunday, November 30, 2014

Happy girl!!!

Words can not describe the joy I have in my heart. My best friend had her baby boy on my daughters birthday. I had the pleasure this weekend to stay with his mom and dad and watch him while they slept. He is beyond precious!  Its been an all around good week and a blessed thanksgiving.  (Even though I spent it all by myself) :( but I'm not even complaining. Its been a rough yr but its the first time I have been really happy in a long time. Yes I have my days I get lonely but I have my friends and family to lift me up. If you are reading this and you have come into my life recently (friends, coworkers, past relationships) thank you for being there. Sometimes things don't work out but it was something that made you happy at one time. So I don't regret anything. Cause at one time it made me smile. I'm looking forward to see what the upcoming year holds. :)

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Smash journal!!!!

I'm excited to get started on my smash journal!!! Here is an example of what one looks like. Mines gonna have about me, pictures, quotes, fave music, some of my poetry and blog entries! Its kind of like scrapbooking. Yay!!

Monday, November 17, 2014

A big ball of different.

I hate getting into my funks! :( I love music so much but all my fave songs right now are sappy break up songs. Ugh. And I was doing so good. I get asked so what are you like. Well.... I'm different from most girls. I like good conversations. I am outgoing, blunt, talkative, love music, I work hard, but lazy at times. I'm loud, but emotional.  I cry, I love to laugh and make ppl laugh. I'm nice but too nice. But I like to be mean. I love sports, being outdoors, I'm a country girl and like to get dirty. But I like to clean up and be girlish. I am the most random person you will ever meet. I care and love too much. Its hard to let go of ppl and things. I'm crazy in a good way. I'm a good girl but I sin like everyone else. I'm not perfect. I'm very A.D.D. I'm wierd but its ok. It don't take a lot to make me happy. I'm needy at times and loves to take care of ppl. I love to read and take pictures. I smile or try to fake it. I have anxiety and have my moments but that's me in a nutshell. I'm a lot more but nobody wants to take the time to get to know me. Whats wrong with me i ask??? I dont tell me..I guess you can say...I'm a big ball of different. I'm me and that's all I can be....  I would write a book about myself and my life but I found something cool to do to put my thoughts,  quotes, pictures,  my life, my music into a magazine. I hope to start this really soon. I'm excited about doing it. Go check it out on pinterest or google and youtube. Its called "zine". Goodnight now. I feel better lol. Muah!!!! :)

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Why I wasted all these tears on you!

I'm not going to lie. Its been hard getting over you. But once you do someone wrong so many times you kind of give up hope. I tried to be friends but I guess its obvious we can't. I will say I hope you find yourself. So hopefully this will be my last blog about you. Good luck.