Friday, August 8, 2014

Lone survivor

So I watched lone survivor tonight and I have so many emotions running through me right now. I'm sad and pissed and I have so much hate in me right now. I know that's not Christian of me. First of all I have always held the highest respect and honor of our military and all branches and to all our troops, veterans past and present. But after watching that movie I have a lot more respect then I will ever have. I cried so hard and was furious the whole time. Makes me hate or dislike those Taliban and afgans so much more. God please forgive me. But thankful for the ones that helped out the Americans. Sorry for the rant and bitterness but we do so much for others and have helped so many and our own ppl have died. So if your someone who is randomly reading this and have served or are serving our country now I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you do and have done. I will always have a special place in my heart for you and you will always have my respect. And also to the military wives and family who have your loved ones gone all the time and who are out serving and protecting us and fighting for our freedom. I know its hard and I pray and have respect for you as well. Thank you!!!

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