Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Dear canada girl aka cri

 I really don't know why you seem to be more concerned with my life and my instagram, Twitter,  and blog than you do with the guy that' you've had an internet fling with for the past several years. Its sad that you are jealous of our friendship but yet you have yet to meet him. Dont tell someone for three yrs your going to meet him, fly him up, fly down and see him and come up with an excuse everytime. Its none of my business, but you can't keep catfishing ppl. You wanted to meet me when you said you were coming down. I'm flattered sweet heart but you need to be more interested in meeting your fling than you are me. And I'm also flattered that you like and then unlike my pictures on instagram. But cut out the stalker ness. Down in the south we would call you crazy. So be real if you really like J then meet him. Feel free to respond. I don't mind really. :)

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