Saturday, October 25, 2014

Words speaks

Its amazing what music can do to you. If I didn't have music in my life I would be crazier than I am lol. It brings back memories.  It makes memories. Its therapeutic! It helps that I love all genres! It puts you in a good mood. It makes you laugh and cry. Its just good for the soul. Ive been wanting a tattoo and I think I'm going to get this.

Tired of being nice

I'm tired of being nice. I'm tired of forgiving and then being crapped on. No were not dating but I still want to be friends or trying to at least. I mean I guess by forgiving someone over and over they think its ok to hurt you. I mean you're in a relationship where they don't want to be with you or at least make an effort.  But hey that's your thing. At least I tried to be a good friend. I guess I'm only good enough when things arnt good enough with you. Stop saying you like me when all your doing is making things worse.

Thursday, October 23, 2014


I hate being lonely. Its not that I want to be in a serious relationship or get married next week. I guess going from being with my ex husband and not getting the attention and affection and lifting up I needed and wanted, to being with someone who gave me all that and liked me for who I was. Its hard. I miss that. I guess its from not really having my dad in my life for the most part. I didn't get that daddy daughter attention. I'm not an attention getter or anything. I just like to have someone I can talk to, give me kisses, hold my hand, laugh with and be silly with. I'm happy with my life and I think I'm doing a dang good job being a single mom . Its hard sometimes but I think I'm doing good. I'm proud of myself and I have come a long way. Of course I'm not perfect and there is always room ffor improvements. I just don't have patients lol. I know God has someone out there for me. Its just hard waiting lol.