Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Broken pieces

I shouldn't care but I do.
I shouldn't think but I still think about you.
Why do I get hurt, when I'm the one that cares.
I shouldn't of liked you, but you were rare.
I wish I could be heartless and bitter but its just not me.
But I got to learn to just let you be.
Time will heal my broken piece's. ®™

I will eventually get over you. I don't know why you hurt me so. I tried to be good to you. I guess I was too good hearted and ended up used. If I could ask just one ?? It would be why. Why me. I do wish you the best in getting your life straightened out. But for now I guess its goodbye. Time to move on and hope for the best.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

A beautiful war

I said love ain't worth nothing. Unless its something worth fighting for. I don't think your honestly seeing anyone. I think you are scared  to want to be with me cause your scared to fall for someone again. Your scared to get hurt I know but who is the one getting I wish things were different but I guess not.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Im a fool for the third and last time.

I really don't know why ppl want to hurt others so bad. I can't believe I was used and thought I found happiness again but I was wrong. I don't think I've ever been hurt as I've been tonight by anyone, not even my ex. Why??? Why me? Why say you care about me and even say the things you've said the last five months and then out of the blue tell me what you said. Now I look like a complete idiot with your family and my friends. I guess you have no heart. I've learned my lesson with men. Either they don't know what they want or they are creepy and stalk you. I think it's safe to say I'm done with men for awhile.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

my life in 2014

So I decided to start blogging again cause a lot has happen this past year and a half. Plus I miss writing my thoughts out and getting my stress out. I separated from my ex husband in December 2013  and our divorce was final on Feb 28 2014. I am honestly happier now than I have been. Its been stressful and i have been sick a lot more than I have been in a long time with different things. Its been a long 7 months but I am a strong person and with God and my friends and my family I have gotten through a lot. I even dated someone again for a short while who made me happy. It may of not worked out but those short three months were the best months I've had in a long time. I guess you can say I'm still searching myself but then again we all do at some point. I just got to take one day at a time and concentrate on making myself and Chloe happy and make sure she's got the best life I can give her. I try my best to love and support her but I feel guilty cause I struggle like all single parents. At least I know she's loved on both my side and her dads side of the family and that's the best thing you can give not only a child but anyone. Well until next time.
