Sunday, August 7, 2016

Men are from mars

My vent is why do men have to be strange. (Not all men) but they are different breeds these days.
. I know women can be like that too but we get hurt and are damaged also but I still move on. They only want you when its convenient for them at the time. They still flirt and want you up their butt and act all into you, except they have no intention on being with you. That sucks and it don't feel great. Except I will admit all day long I let it happen cause at the moment I like the attention. I know in the back of my mind he's not good or right for me but in that moment you don't care cause he's giving you what you want. I know I'm better than that. I know I'm not ugly and I know my worth but I let it happen anyway and then end up getting upset and hating myself for letting it happen.