Sunday, September 28, 2014 makes ppl wonder what your up to.

I do admit..I miss having someone around. Someone to hold hands with, talk to, go out and have fun with, cuddle with, laugh with. I guess I didnt get the attention and affection I needed when I was married and then after I divorced I found that.. for a short while for the first time ever. Im not saying I half to have someone in my life at all times. I am actully happy right now. Like that giddy feeling kind of happy. I have been in a good mood and laughing more. Spending time with friends and feeling really good lately!! So I cant complain!! Got some fun stuff going on here in the next several months. Its always busy this time of year!! Happy fall yall!!! :)

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Shaking my head.

I cant help but to shake my head at some ppl. Do you honestly think I am a rag doll, a dog, a toy??. Something you can play with. Well sorry but im not. We were simply being friends and nothing more but I guess I was someone to talk to while you have gf problems. Im here to play with when things arnt going well and then when things are going well again you dont need my friendship. Well sorry....i wont be around next time for you to play with. So when things really go wrong youll have to find someone else to chew on and play with cause I sure wont be around. said yourself...thats why Im back and forth with you so much. 
Not this time!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Great weekend!!

Its been such a great weekend. Its been great to get out and spend time with friends and just by myself. Don't really have a lot to say but just gonna post some pics. They are not about anyone in particular, I just like them or the sayings.